refund policy

You may request a refund to your credit/debit/HSA/FSA card for the following reasons:

  • Customer transaction error, such as a payment being made for more than intended ($500.00 instead of $50.00), paying the wrong provider, wrong card used.
  • Duplicate payment

We will do our best to resolve your request within 24 hours (1 business day) of the request being submitted, unless that request is received in the afternoon on a Friday or holiday.

When requesting a payment be cancelled, voided or refunded, please have the following information available:

  • Your Name
  • Facility Name (where surgery was performed)
  • The Date and Time the payment was made through this website or by phone
  • Your Payment Authorization Code provided at the end of a successful payment
  • The last four (4) digits of the card used to make the payment
  • The Statement ID for which the payment was made

Failure to provide this information could slow the cancellation/void process.

Cancelling/Voiding a Payment

All payments submitted through this website or made by phone will be processed at 12:00 AM (midnight).

Any request to Cancel/Void a payment received by 3:00 PM the date the payment was made may be processed that same date.

Refunding a Payment

A total or partial refund can be requested on any payment processed prior to the current day (if payment made today, payment would be cancelled/voided).

An approved refund may be initiated by our office within 24 hours (1 business day) of the refund request being submitted, unless that request is received in the afternoon on a Friday or holiday.

Please keep in mind that although the refund has been initiated by our office as outlined, your card issuer has control over when the refunded amount may be applied as a credit to your card balance.

Credit Card Payments

This is the patient payment portal for Albany Regional Eye Surgery Center. By using this site, you understand that all payments processed by Albany Regional Eye Surgery Center are for facility charges for surgical services you have received at Albany Regional Eye Surgery Center. These services are separate from your surgeon’s bill.

Albany Regional Eye Surgery Center will be listed on your Credit/Debit/HSA/FSA card statement for payments made through this website. If you have any questions, please contact our Billing Department at 732-846-2501 or 800-955-4428.

Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy

kind words

“I felt welcome, safe and secure. Loved the staff; they were serious in their jobs but light-hearted enough to put me at ease. Great bedside manners which is so important.”

“Today was my second visit to Albany Regional Eye Surgery Center. I must say that the people who oversee your facility do a fantastic job. In today’s world it is quite unusual to find a facility/office where everyone is so kind, considerate and friendly. You have accomplished it all and you should be very proud! Kudos to all and thank you.”

looking for a surgeon?

At Albany Regional Eye Surgery Center, your health (and primarily your vision) are of the utmost importance to us. It’s no wonder that every year, over 9,000 patients trust ARE and our board-certified physicians for their ophthalmic procedures and care.

To gain access to the area’s highest quality ophthalmic doctors who specialize in the eye care you need, please complete this short form and let our staff assist you personally.